Men’s Reproductive Health

Men’s Reproductive Health

Male infertility keeps going on the rise than most people think , it’s always a good idea for both male and female to do a fertility cleanse when preparing for conception and for both to test for infertility when the need arise .

Here I will be glad to help you go through a healthy natural fertility using holistic approach and a fun way around going through the therapy.


  • one on one consultation session ( phone call )
  • Learning the causing and advise on medical test .
  • Holistic approach towards a fertility diet.
  • Fertility cleanse guide.
  • Herbal supplement guide to use.
  • Holistic lifestyle towards a healthy fertility .
  • Sperm count and motility.rom stomach to chest to back to ribcage

Ps : This payment only covers therapy and consultation, it doesn’t cover herbs purchase .

Access bank

Oluseye Adesewa

Sbm skincare and beauty enterprise 

0464773750 USD


Oluseye Adesewa 

2051268861590 GH₵


Fee : 70,000 naira ($150, GH₵2250)

Note : Program fee once paid is non refundable.

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