Reversing PCOS

Reversing PCOS

Polycystic ovarian Syndrome can be overwhelming but with the right holistic treatment you can overcome and get pregnant .

PCOS is not just a fertility issue but an overall health issue and when left untreated can lead to infertility and other health issues .

Overcoming PCOS : PCOS is a metabolic disorder . Thou PCOS is said to have no cure but with the right lifestyle and diet approach you can manage and put down all symptoms that it becomes so insignificant and YES you can get pregnant even with PCOS ( Don’t FRET )


  • A one on one consultation session via phone call to understand your body and symptoms.
  • Nutritional guide into a diet that focuses on overcoming PCOS .
  • Lifestyle changes .
  • Herbal supplements guide that helps with PCOS .
  • A 6 months guide with follow up as scheduled
    Working on reducing Hormonal weight gain ( if necessary)
    Boosting ovulation
    Supplements guide ( VITAMINS ) to support fertility .
  • Stress management.
    I would be so glad to help you overcome all the symptoms and put you through a healthy lifestyle. 

To enroll for PCOS Program please pay into the account below and fill the form.

Ps : This payment only covers therapy and consultation, it doesn’t cover herbs purchase .

Access bank

Oluseye Adesewa

Sbm skincare and beauty enterprise 

0464773750 USD


Oluseye Adesewa 

2051268861590 GH₵


Fee : 70,000 naira ($150, GH₵2250)

Note : Program fee once paid is non refundable.

Fill Form Below with Payment evidence.

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